Target advertising - car advertising


Targeted ads are the best way of advertising based on  behavior and needs of client . About 91% of consumers are more encouraged to purchase when a brand personalizes its communication with them.

The best way of target advertising is to visit targeted clients. Certainly, incidental visual advertising in passing is good and desirable.

Our service teams visits minimum 200 different client companies for one year. Its two service team on target place - company every working day (sometimes and weekend days) .

How our clients are end buyers and users of machines and raw materials - they are best consumers of our advertising and promotions.

What we offer to you?

- Car advertising - your advertisement on our vehicles. Practically you are visiting your customers, you attract new customers, promote your brand and name on market directly on right place.

It's a clean hit in the center of the target. Every our client are your old - or new customer. Think about it.

Pekarski Servis are a company with a lot of experience and an excellent reputation built on fairness, knowledge and success. We work and play fair for a long time and our list of satisfied customers is long. We don't have a list of unsatisfied clients and we are proud of that. We are trying to keep it that way in the future.

Advertising by Pekarski Servis means a lot and says more .

Be a step ahead others - use our power to promote your brand.


Pekarski Servis - driven by innovation and experience 

For more details CALL US :

mobile/viber/whatsup/ +381 64 324 1 806

write to us : Ova adresa e-pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript u vašem brauzeru da biste je videli.

or just click here





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  • Automatizacija mašina i procesa po zahtevu klijenta

    Automatizacija mašina i procesa po zahtevu klijenta

    Automatizacija mašina podrazumeva veću stopu proizvodnje i povećanu produktivnost, efikasniju upotrebu sirovina, bolji kvalitet proizvoda, manji utrošak energije,kraće vreme proizvodnje. Veća proizvodnja i povećana produktivnost, smanjenje utroška energije su tri najveća razloga za automatizaciju mašina i proizvodnih procesa.

    manje zastoja + manji utrošak energije + veća produktivnost = veća zarada Automatizacijom postojećih mašina i opreme rešavate mnoge probleme. Mi poznajemo tehnologije i dajemo specifična i inovativna rešenja u okviru tehnoloških zahteva poštujući standarde i bezbednost

  • Usluge servisa

    Usluge servisa


    Pružamo tehničku podršku kompaniama koje se bave konditorskom proizvodnjom, kao i terensku servisnu podršku kompanijama proizvođačima opreme i pribora za industrijsku i zanatsku konditorsku proizvodnju.

    *servis industriskih mašina (interventno, preventivno i prediktivno)
    * montaža industriskih mašina
    * demontaža industriskih mašina
    Pored toga, delimo naša znanja sa klijentima u cilju boljeg i pouzdanijeg rada opreme.


    Pekarski Servis 
    Arilje, Republika Srbija, 

    GSM/VIBER/WA + 381- 64-324-1-806
    Pon-Sub: 08.00 - 18.00



    Pekarski Servis pruža usluge montaže, instalacije, redovnog servisiranja, urgentnih popravki za domaće i strane kompanije.

    Pekarski Servis provides assembly, installation, regular servicing, emergency repairs services for domestic and foreign companies.
    We also sell machines and represent manufacturers of machines and equipment for the production of biscuits, cakes and chocolate.

    Kontaktirajte nas - Contact us